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I still remember the days before getting started the classes. Those days were a mix of feelings: fears, shyness, anxiety, and so on. The first encounter I was nervous although I tried to hide that feeling from my students to transmit to them a secure image, the image they had found a good tutor. The rest is a story. From that day on, I think I have improved a lot of things in my methodologies as well as in my point of view about myself as a teacher and about my students as the learners I was in charge of. I feel my communicational skills have improved at the same time that my self-confidence and my self-esteem as a teacher in training that is looking for trying to reach a better version of himself. If you ask me, I think I gave my best and tried to give my students the chance to grow up not only as students but as humans.

I would like to give some advice to the next generation of online student teachers: Don't be afraid, don't let the doubts and so many times the fear lead you to reject the things you want to do and you someday dreamed with. The path is hard, and the way is long even if you have a good level in English because to be an English teacher is more than simply speak in English: you need to understand that your students are trying to see in you that model that they want to follow.
