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Next, I would like to share some samples about my lesson plans, didactic teaching materials designed by me, and two videos of my classes to show you the work done during this semester.

The lesson plan that I liked: Click here to check it out. I liked this planning because I tried to use a different way to encourage the students to participate actively through a group interaction using a platform such as Jamboard. The topic was "Linkers" and the idea is that using Jamboard, the students had to propose to their mates some linkers and sentences. Then, each one of them wrote a short story about any topic using the linkers and sentences proposed by the other learners.

The lesson plan that was difficult: Click here to check it out. The main topic was phrasal verbs and the design was horrible. Firstly, this is a topic I don't manage completely and, secondly, I did not figure out how to explain something that I didn't understand to my students. I mean, there are indeed so many web pages where you can find translations of these phrasal verbs but I asked myself how I could teach them interactively. Also, by that week, I didn't have enough time to think about the class and this planning because I had a lot of work in my job and at university. 

Didactic teaching materials designed by me:




Videos of my classes:

Session 10: That was an interesting class. In fact, this is the development of the planning that I found more enjoyable than others. I could see the effort and participation of my students trying to follow my instructions and trying o apply in a good way the topic taught previously. Also, I think they could interact with each one of their mates making this activity something more enjoyable and funny.

- Session 4: That was the development of the worst planning I ever did. As I explained before, I have huge doubts, questions, and misunderstandings about the topic taught. If you notice, Most of the class was taught in Spanish, and a couple of times I got troubles explaining the examples and the application of the principles of the class.
